Thursday, March 15, 2007


Hi again! Well, it's been a long long LONG time since I've had a public blog. While talking with my friend Bill, we mutually agreed to begin blogging once again. With my dear husband away from home with his job much of the time, I often FEEL the lack of an effective way to communicate my thoughts. Days pass sometimes without contact with anyone over the age of 2 (and as much as I love chatting with little Johnny, he isn't the best sounding board to bounce my ever changing brainwaves off of...) Some days come and go with a 2 minute good morning phone call and a 2 minute goodnight phone call from my darling... and when the time does allow for long rambling phone talks, I of course keep the conversation as light and positive as I can, saving heavier 'stuff' for another time. Thus the magic of blogging! I can purge my thoughts here, be them happy or sad or scared, randomly scattered or solidly grounded. I might celebrate or bitch, write about last nights dream, or what thought-demons kept me from sleeping. Maybe I'll even write about something besides how absolutely and totally in love I am with Brian. Maybe. Come to think about it, I have a lot to say! So enjoy, my friend.

1 comment:

William Cansler said...

As they used to say in the late 60's..."LET IT ALL HANG OUT" !